mercredi 6 novembre 2013

how to unblock my blocked friends on facebook

You block so many people on facebook but it trun out that one of those people is interesting and want him back so what to do ????
Look here for the steps: how to unblock friends on facebook.

samedi 6 juillet 2013

how to zoom

You will find in this page all the ways to zoom in all kind of softwares like chrome, mcrosoftwords ect...

An easy way to know who visited your facebook profile

a lot of people on the internet ask this question who visited your facebook profile ? it important for us to know who care about us who look to our profile on facebook. well i have to tell you that there  is no direct way to know that as facebook want to protect more and more this type of information. mean while you guess it see this link here:

dimanche 9 juin 2013

Solar panel power output calculator

You have planed to invest on solar panels you have no idea about the output power and what you can do with dont worry see this calulator by square meter

samedi 4 mai 2013

dimanche 28 avril 2013

Change IP address

It sometime very usefull to change your IP address in order to go over some time restrictions in some video streaming websites find here easy steps : change ip address

vendredi 15 mars 2013

How to remove facebook account

facebook has make the steps to remove your account not really eazy to find this why recomend you to see this link were the diffrent steps are well detailed.
HOW to remove facebook account